The Challenge

Attorney John Greene approached us in 2013 looking to redesign his website and drive better traffic to his inbox. As we’ve heard all too often John was paying large sums of money to online directories promising to drive traffic to his website which never seemed to materialize. He knew he needed a change but was very concerned about the integrity of vendors in online marketing. Our goal was to show him both in words and action that we can get results and not all vendors are out to bleed their customers dry.

Fast forward to 2017, we saw even more opportunity to create a more dynamic, engaging website presence that would resonate with John’s target audiences. So, we redesigned the site yet again and delivered an even better version 2.0!

Our Solution

We delivered a responsive WordPress website that has helped John dominate the local market in Destin, FL. In addition to the website itself we also took over SEO services and within a month or two, John was being found locally on page 1 of Google for nearly every competitive keyword phrase in his area. Since then we have also added Pay-Per-Click into the mix to help drive even more leads to the website and manage all local citations to build a strong local presence.

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