With every new year comes a quest for new marketing ideas. In this digital age, great effort goes into creating ideas to make social media sites like Facebook and Instagram sing for your brand. It’s not easy. Because if it’s really good, chances are it’s been done. If it isn’t really good, well, no explanation is needed.

The truth is that billions of consumers turn to their favorite social media platforms to ramp up their decision-making process. Therefore, social media needs to be a priority in 2023. Consider some strategies for Facebook and Instagram that will bring you conversions in the coming year.

What is 2023 Going to Look Like?

What is 2023 Going to Look Like?

A practical starting point when developing your Facebook and Instagram strategies is looking at the predictions for the coming year.

Short-Form Video Still Rules

Short-form videos will rule the world. If you have any doubts, just look at how popular Reels have become on these two major social media platforms.

The Metaverse is Here

The Metaverse is no longer science fiction. Augmented reality has been teetering on the horizon for a few years now. 2023 is likely the first year it will be a huge deal for most consumers, as opposed to a fascination for some.

The AR industry is looking to bring in about 60 billion dollars in 2023, and even platforms like Shopify will jump on that ship. Since Meta is behind that ship’s wheel, common sense dictates that brands should consider ways to advertise in AR on their social media platforms.

Social Media Communication is a Two-Way Street

Algorithms are starting to pay more attention to brands that actively engage with their target audiences on social media. So, relationships are still the thing to have in 2023.

Once you understand where marketing is heading in 2023, the next step is to develop marketing ideas that will convert.

Facebook and Instagram Strategies for 2023

Facebook and Instagram Strategies for 2023

If this is the year you plan to invest time and money into social media marketing, then you need strategies that will convert. Of course, there are no guarantees, but given the trends, here are some ideas we love.

Make It Challenging

It started with the Ice Bucket Challenge back in 2014. Since then, social media users have been looking to challenge themselves in various ways. You can put that to use for your brand.

A challenge allows you to engage with your viewers and collect basic contact information. First, start the process by creating Facebook ads for the challenge. This will enable you to target the players, so they fit into your audience demographic. Then, use this information to communicate with the challengers by sending them updates and reminders.

You can also set up a private Facebook group to make the challengers into a community that shares tips and information. It is another way to continue to engage. Be sure to be active in the group. Encourage comments and respond quickly when you get them.

The Trip Wire Approach

The Trip Wire Approach

The trip wire makes this option sound a bit ominous, but it is simple and painless. Create an inexpensive purchase that will introduce potential customers to your brand. You want this small purchase to motivate larger ones, so choose wisely.

A practical example of this is offering a free product, and the viewer only pays to ship it. The cost of shipping could easily cover the cost of production, too. So you are only losing out on the markup for that product.

The trip wire offer gives you access to contact information. Thank the customer for their purchase and follow up when them regularly.

Run a Contest

Run a Contest

You can tie this approach with the challenge or trip wire methods. You have these leads and are already engaging with them; now, you can reward them for their effort. For instance, you could pick a few challenges “winners” or do a random drawing from the trip wire contacts. You could also create a contest that is unrelated to other marketing.

There are two critical criteria to keep in mind, though. First, only target qualified leads with the contest. This is why it works well when combined with another marketing tool.

Second, make the prize worthwhile. Don’t offer a cheap prize that no one wants. Instead, go for gift cards or free services: the better the prize, the more enthusiastic the participants.

Also, don’t leave anyone disappointed. Everyone should get a participation prize. It could be something small like a 10 percent discount on their next purchase. The point is you acknowledge them in some way.

Make Use of Custom Audiences

Make Use of Custom Audiences

Both Facebook and Instagram have options for custom audiences. This allows you to target individuals that sign up for challenges, contests, newsletters, or account holders.

They have already shown an interest in what your brand offers. You can use custom audiences to target them with ads that pay off. Targeting ads to your demographic always makes sense, but with custom audiences, you go a step further to reach out personally to someone you already engage.

What Does a Winning Social Media Strategy Look Like in 2023?

What Does a Winning Social Media Strategy Look Like in 2023?

The answer combines the trends and the sure-fire conversation strategies. You increase your success odds if you can find any way to marry them. For example, you might invite participants in the challenge to post a short form video of them doing the challenge.

Anything you can do in augmented reality is just a bonus, whether an ad or a challenge. Engaging with them is the whole point of marketing.

Once you set up your marketing strategy, follow the process. Use analytics to see how well it is working. For example, you might need to try something new if a challenge isn’t drawing in participants.

Also, watch for adverse reactions in comments. You want to put out fires as soon as they happen to ensure they don’t tank the whole project.

Get more marketing advice from Vinci Digital by visiting our website and requesting a free consultation.

Gerald D. Vinci

Gerald D. Vinci

Gerald D. Vinci is the CEO of Vinci Digital with over 20 years of experience in marketing and advertising. He partners with mid-size, established businesses as a growth and scalability consultant and strategic branding advisor as well as offering a full-suite of agency services. Gerald calls Carmel, CA home with his wife Safira and two children. He has co-authored two books, and is working on his own upcoming book titled, “Small Business Pricing Mastery – Creating effective pricing and defining value for today’s products and services.”